August 23,2006
It's hard to believe how fast time seems to be flying by. I think it seems so because I have accomplished so little painting or art of any kind in the last few weeks. I have done a hand full of postcards but they mostly lacked much inspiration or enjoyment in the doing of them and I am relunctant to show many.

I'll take that last statement back. I enjoyed doing this one, though I belabored over it with way more time than anything else I've posted so far. It is the house where I stayed when I was in Douglas. It is a bit larger than the others I've posted and the first I've done from a photograph, and is a gift for the owners of the house.

This is another view out my window last week. I tried out some walnut ink that I just got from Daniel Smith. I was watching the eagle chick as I was painting. Movement from the tree ceased over the weekend, so I guess I missed seeing the chick fledge.

This was Sunday, one of just a few days in the last month where their was some blue sky... something to get a little excited about.

I've been bringing flowers in from the garden and painting off and on. These are Amaryllis belladonna which I grow inside in pots and they bloom throughout the year.
Raining hard again this morning. Van is home for another 5 day troll closure.
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