Here it is almost the middle of February, a month since my last posting. How fickle I am with my many varied projects! There has indeed been some guilt over my abandonment here and some thought to change the name or start another blog with another name to follow my latest artistic pursuits.
Every day I look outside my window and think I ought to do a little painting, but my wandering commitment is elsewhere. My latest paintings have been in the studio. I've been working on a still life for about a week and when it is finished. I'll post it here. I'll be having a show in Juneau in April and am under some pressure to get things to frame and hang.
I did these little paintings on a trip to Juneau and Sitka the end of last month. I took the M/F Fairweather to Juneau to Sitka and back.... a very pleasant ride both ways, the first I'd made on this newer fast ferry.

On my last evening in Sitka, I watched the sun go down at Whale Park, an area south of town with board walks down from the road to the beach. I didn't see any whales but there was one the next day as I waited for the ferry to leave. A few humpbacks stay around Sitka in the winter.... younger one, I think. The ones up here where I live go to Hawaii in the winter. This was the only day with sunshine for the whole trip.... I ended up spending a couple of extra days in Juneau because of fog before flying home.

Waiting for the ferry to leave Sitka and as it was leaving, I did these of Sitka Sound. I added the trollers in a couple of them.

It has been a cold clear day. Now 5:15 p.m. and there is still a good bit of light.... its good to have the days a little longer.