This cup and saucer are part of a set of dishes that my Aunt Lou gave to me some years ago when she made a move. I've used them ever since, though I don't use the cups often.
I'm using a different paper today, the same I used for my Jan. 14th painting. It is a rough handmade paper (from India, I think) in a book that I got from Daniel Smith quite a while back. I'm seeing with this painting every day how differently I paint on different papers, out of necessity, I guess, to obtain what I'm seeing. In the end, my paintings seem almost a different style using different papers. The paper is presenting a challenge but I'm kind of liking what I did today, so think I'll keep working in this book. I got another book with the same paper at the same time I got this one, and ended up using it for collages because I found it difficult to paint in at the time. Or maybe because of the format.... the one I'm using now is landscape format, the other one portrait.
1 comment:
Hi Carole,
Another lovely postcard...thank you!
I'm writing today to say, "TAG! You're It!"
This is a fun little thing that the bloggers do, to get to know each other and increase good traffic to your blog.
This is how it works:
1. Put a link in your posting to the person who tagged you (that would be me)
2. List seven (7) unusual things about yourself.
3. Tag seven (7) other bloggers at the end of your post and comment on their blogs to let them know.
Hope you'll want to play!
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