Sunday, July 9, 2006

Kayaking and Camping

A. and I left Wednesday night, the 5th, into the Beardsleys for a couple of days, she in her row boat and me in my kayak. We didn't go very far, less than 2 hours of paddling from the cove to a small island between 2 larger ones.

This is the only thing I sketched on the trip... into a sketchbook that I took along... each page is about 4x6 Its of the little island from one of the larger one north of us which we were able to walk to at low tide. Our tent looks like an erratic in front of the clump of trees. We spent 2 or 3 hour hiking around the island north of us on Thursday where I almost lost my shoe in the muck.... for some dumb reason, I didn't wear boots. Spent the rest of the day lazing around and reading on a warm sandy beach. A pair of oyster catchers were pretty irate when we first showed up but we gave them lots of space. They seemed to have gotten use to us and paraded their 2 chicks by us the second evening. A black bear was munching away that same evening , probably on goose tongue in about the spot where I had done the sketch earlier, then wandered back into the woods.

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