I got tagged by R. Gerriot who is a fabulous painter and who has a great blog with information about photoshop that you can go to by clicking here. The result of being tagged is that I am suppose to list 7 unusual things about myself. So, here's my list.
1. I cut with scissors backwards... I'm left handed and cut with the scissors pointing towards me rather than away. Always have, dispite numerous gifts of left handed scissors.
2. My first trip ever out of Florida where I grew up was when I was 20 and went to California on a Greyhound and worked at Yosemite for the summer.
3. I lived without electricty for most of 8 years.
4. I lived on a one acre island for 3 years.
5. I live in Alaska and never voted for Sarah Palin.... and I always vote.
6. I never voted for Ted Stevens or Don Young either.
7. I've never eaten a Twinkie.
Now I'm suppose to send this to 7 bloggers. But since most all of the blogs I read have already done this I'm just going to list 7 here that I like to read, and hope you will check them out too.
Hi Carole, I like your fun list of seven, your new profile photo, and your latest postcard.
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